Friday, January 14, 2011

Support your local shelter

The next time you feel the need to get a new dog, don't forget to check your local shelters. There are so many nice dogs waiting for a good home. When shopping for your new buddy, make sure you pick one that fits your lifestyle. Don't choose a dog that loves to run and play if you cannot provide these activities. If you live in a small apartment make sure you are able to spend time playing in a park or walking trails. So many dogs find homes in shelters only because the owner chose the wrong dog or could not provide the proper excercise or playtime. A dog who is stuck indoors all the time needs to burn up energy that builds while living in a small house or apartment. Putting a dog on a chain is not excercise, in fact it's no way to live. The dog can become tangled,  be injured or in some cases strangle itself. Also as the dog spends time on the chain or tieout it can even become more wild and crazy when its taken off the chain.  The dog is watching the world go by and wanting to be a part of it but can only run back and forth on the end of a chain. So, make sure you provide for your dog and understand that owning a dog is a commitment. Make your dog a bigger part of your life and they will love you for it!

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